Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happiness is really important too, especially nowadays. In our busy lives everybody is walking, speaking and doing things really fast and it is really difficult to see someone happy. Everyone is angry. Transantiago, politician, subway, family problems, etc are the issues that always cause that Chilean people are not happy.
Life satisfaction is connected with flow and happiness. Life satisfaction is when you feel really satisfied because of the things you do. You feel happy and no one can take that happiness away. Some people are not satisfied at all. The best thing they can do to be happy with their lives is that they need to enjoy every single moment of their lives, even when they do not like what they do.
Talking about me, I have a lot of happy moment that I can not choose. Maybe when my nephew was born or when I moved to La Florida. I believe in happiness, because I am always trying to be happy, even when I am not. I have the though that people around me are not guilty if I had a bad day, so I put the effort to do not demonstrate my sadness.
The person who inspires me is my mother. She is always happy, even when she had a busy and stressed day. She taught me about being happy all the time.
Happiness is really important too, especially nowadays. In our busy lives everybody is walking, speaking and doing things really fast and it is really difficult to see someone happy. Everyone is angry. Transantiago, politician, subway, family problems, etc are the issues that always cause that Chilean people are not happy.
Life satisfaction is connected with flow and happiness. Life satisfaction is when you feel really satisfied because of the things you do. You feel happy and no one can take that happiness away. Some people are not satisfied at all. The best thing they can do to be happy with their lives is that they need to enjoy every single moment of their lives, even when they do not like what they do.
Talking about me, I have a lot of happy moment that I can not choose. Maybe when my nephew was born or when I moved to La Florida. I believe in happiness, because I am always trying to be happy, even when I am not. I have the though that people around me are not guilty if I had a bad day, so I put the effort to do not demonstrate my sadness.
The person who inspires me is my mother. She is always happy, even when she had a busy and stressed day. She taught me about being happy all the time.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I chose to live!
155.936 G216e 2004 c.1
“Elegí vivir: el accidente que marcó mi vida y el camino de mi rehabilitación”
Daniela García Palomer
This book that I read is very interesting and it really touched me. Daniela García was a university student who had a train accident. As a result, her arms and legs were maimed. She suffered a lot, but thanks to her family and friends she could overcome that situation.
First of all, the doctors did not know who she was alive, because the train ran over her, but it did not affect the most important organs in her body. As a consequence, she had to spend months in the hospital, but her family, specially her boyfriend, was always with her giving Daniela support.
Second, the time she had to be in bed after the operations were fantastic for her. Her classmates and friend visited her almost every day, and when they could not go they sent her presents and letters to make her feel accompanied.
On the other hand, she had to follow her treatment in USA, because our country did not have the technology to help her. Even though her parents went there every time they could, she spent most of the time alone, just with the doctors and specialists.
To conclude, Daniela García was a student who suffered a lot the consequences of a terrible accident, but she was always with a good company. Even though she spent almost a year living in USA to follow her treatment, a lot of people were with her and they makes her feel comfortable. Her family and friends were really important. They give her the energy to get over the accident and stay alive.
I chose to live!

155.936 G216e 2004 c.1
“Elegí vivir: el accidente que marcó mi vida y el camino de mi rehabilitación”
Daniela García Palomer
This book that I read is very interesting and it really touched me. Daniela García was a university student who had a train accident. As a result, her arms and legs were maimed. She suffered a lot, but thanks to her family and friends she could overcome that situation.
First of all, the doctors did not know who she was alive, because the train ran over her, but it did not affect the most important organs in her body. As a consequence, she had to spend months in the hospital, but her family, specially her boyfriend, was always with her giving Daniela support.
Second, the time she had to be in bed after the operations were fantastic for her. Her classmates and friend visited her almost every day, and when they could not go they sent her presents and letters to make her feel accompanied.
On the other hand, she had to follow her treatment in USA, because our country did not have the technology to help her. Even though her parents went there every time they could, she spent most of the time alone, just with the doctors and specialists.
To conclude, Daniela García was a student who suffered a lot the consequences of a terrible accident, but she was always with a good company. Even though she spent almost a year living in USA to follow her treatment, a lot of people were with her and they makes her feel comfortable. Her family and friends were really important. They give her the energy to get over the accident and stay alive.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Small groups, big ideas

Planning family in Thailand is maybe one of the most important things that Mechai did for the country. That’s makes me think a lot, because in our country are still poor families that have a lot of children. The problem is that they cannot complain because the public hospitals give free ant conception. So, what is the problem? Maybe the problem is that poor people always receive help from the government, so they do not really care about how many children they have. Education and Health care are always going to be free for them and their children.
About small groups which make big changes I think that that is a little bit complicated. I am not saying that is impossible, but it is very difficult if you do not have support. For example, taking the Mapuche’s cause, they had to do a big effort to be listened. Fortunately, at the end they had a lot of people that supported them.
We as students are more likely to be listened sometimes. Maybe because we are young and we are always worried about what is going on around us. Adults are worried too, but they do not do a big effort. We always hear about demonstration (especially last month) and the majority of people that were in that march were young and students.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
♫ It feels like home to me ♫

My favorite song is “Feels like home” by Edwina Hayes. I first heard this song in a movie called “My sister’s keeper” and I fell in love immediately. I love the entire soundtrack of this movie, but this song touched my heart. I did not pay attention on the lyrics because I was watching the movie, but the music makes me feel very sad. Every time I listened to the song I wondered how would be my life if I had said good bye to my father.
I am a little bit masochistic because when I watched the movie I cried all the time, and when I listen to the song I feel very sad too. I feel like we as human being are so frail and no one knows when it is time to die.
The lyrics of the song have nothing to do with how I feel, but it is just because I watched that movie I feel the way I am feeling right now.
Somethin' in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms
There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
A window breaks, down a long, dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright, 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see, through the dark there is light
Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
And if you knew how happy you are making me
I never thought that I'd love anyone so much
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way the back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Harry Potter III

823 R884hp 2001 c.1
Everybody thought that Sirius was the person who told Voldemort where Lily and James were. That’s become Sirius in a “Death Eater” (Voldemort’s follower) and that’s why he went to prison.
Harry discovered that everything was a lie when Sirius escaped from Azkaban. Sirius was not the person who betrayed Lily and James, because they were so important to him that he could give his own life to save them. The person who did that was Peter Pettigrew.
James, Sirius and Peter were all Animagus and friends. Animagus are the people who can change their human body in an animal. So James was a deer, Sirius was a dog and Peter was a rat.
When Voldemort first disappeared Peter decided to maintain his animal form as a rat. He decided to live with the Weasleys (Ronald’s family) and he soon became Ronald’s pet. Nobody knew that, but when Sirius told Harry the truth, Ronald could realize what his pet really was.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
¡Viva Chile!

I think native people and their rights are always left behind, and I do not why that happens. I really do not know anything about them, just the basic things, like the place where they live, the sports and the typical costumes they wear. In the school I did not learn about them and I do not even know why. We have a lot of different things and it could maybe be cruel, but I really do not care about them. I know they are our antecessors, but I do not identify with them.
To me, the Chilean identification is related with the fact that we think that all the Chilean people do the same things we do. For example, we cried when the miners were found alive and we deduce that all the Chileans cried too. That is the patriotism.
A couple of years ago two young wrote down in a historical wall in Peru, and that makes me feel very embarrassed of our country. Going to another country to make things like that is not very polite, and shows us like barbarian people sometimes.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

The book I am reading is “Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets” by J.K Rowling. The book is so related with the story because in this chapter Harry had to fight with Voldemort’s phantom (Tom Marvolo Riddle) and with a huge basilisk in a chamber which is hidden in Howarts, that’s why is called chamber of secrets.
The stranger things that happened this year in Howarts were absolutely unknown and unusual. To name a few but one was the fact that almost everyday a student appeared completely petrified without reason and all of them in different places. Hermione and Ronald, Harry’s best friends, were searching about this clues that Voldemort gave to Harry, but one day someone found Hermione petrified with a mirror in her hands and a piece of paper. Harry and Ron discovered that she had found the most important clue of all: There was a basilisk hidden somewhere in the castle. As always, Harry took courage and found the place (the chamber of secrets) where the basilisk where hidden. He killed it and then made Voldemort’s phantom disappear.
The main lesson of the story is that it does not matter how powerful you are, there will be always someone who could kill you if you do the wrong things. Another thing is that everything is possible if you just believe.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I think that I am not seeing all the potential in myself because there are a few things that do not fit with me, like my social conduct. I read, according to the website, that I am really sociable, but in the real life I am not. Actually I consider myself as a very shy person, most of the time when I meet new people, and I am really worried about that.
Related to the optimism, I can say that I am really optimistic, even though in the results there is nothing about that. When I have a problem I try to think how to overcome that situation and I never get stressed.
My results do not fit in the Youniverse. The only thing that is almost the same is the way I enjoy music. Everybody needs sometime to listen to music in a quiet place with no one around you and interrupting you at least one time in our lives.
To finish, I think the website is very helpful to find yourself if you do not know who you are and find things that we do not know we can do. For those who are very depressed for example it may help if they want to do some change in their lives.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Take a break

This year I had very special vacations. I went to the north of our country. This was the second time I went there, but this time was absolutely different. The first step I took was going to Quilpue. There lives my mother’s cousin and her family. They are like my second family and they are always asking me if I would go with them to everywhere.
We had decided to go to San Pedro de Atacama, but my uncle had to work. Anyway, we decided to go to Ovalle. The first think we did was going to a marvelous place where we can see stones with draws on them made by our ancestors, which are called petroglyphs. The place is called “Valle del Encanto” and you can camp there.
Our second visit was seeing different small towns in the region. And the last one was going to a natural rainforest which is placed in the middle of the dessert. When I saw this place I could not believe it. It was like someone took a part of the south and put it in the middle of nothing where the trees die because of the weather. The place is called “Fray Jorge” and it took me no more than 1 hour to see the entire place.
When I returned to Quilpue we had the best time. We went to the cinema, we watched a lot of movies and we went to Valparaiso to eat the famous “Chorrillanas” in J.Cruz.
Even though I really like these vacations I have to add that I really miss my 18 months old nephew Martin and that was the reason why I returned to Santiago.