Thursday, September 16, 2010

¡Viva Chile!

I think native people and their rights are always left behind, and I do not why that happens. I really do not know anything about them, just the basic things, like the place where they live, the sports and the typical costumes they wear. In the school I did not learn about them and I do not even know why. We have a lot of different things and it could maybe be cruel, but I really do not care about them. I know they are our antecessors, but I do not identify with them.

To me, the Chilean identification is related with the fact that we think that all the Chilean people do the same things we do. For example, we cried when the miners were found alive and we deduce that all the Chileans cried too. That is the patriotism.

A couple of years ago two young wrote down in a historical wall in Peru, and that makes me feel very embarrassed of our country. Going to another country to make things like that is not very polite, and shows us like barbarian people sometimes.

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